The annoying screw-up sidekick who is guided by a mysterious wizard and who seeks to avenge the murder of his family.
The loudmouthed opportunist with a heart of gold who doesn't understand the younger generation.
The loudmouthed opportunist with a heart of gold who doesn't want to reveal the secret of the alien invasion.
The unspeakably gorgeous but angsty man who surprises people with their ability to survive and who has an endless supply of gadgets.
The time-traveler who is secretly funded by the government and who has a mysterious connection to the protagonist.
The laid-back common man who makes cryptic statements and who has a huge appetite.
The crotchety older man who keeps trying to relive their youth.
The brilliant scientist who has a treasured personal weapon.
The dilligent craftsman who solves crimes and who is the result of an illegal scientific experiment.
The heir to greatness raised in secret who is driven by hatred to bring revenge on everone that wronged them.
The super-sexy female vampire who has it all together and will doubtlessly face a tragic death.
The depressed police officer who bears a great destiny and who stands alone against the Main Villain.
The slimy pimp whose actions make them a monster.
The loyal sidekick who is rebuilt as a cyborg after a terrible accident.
The brillaint young adult who is completely confused about their own past.
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