
Need a story idea with symbolism? This is the place to come! Plots, stories, and concepts related to all sorts of symbolic possibilites are waiting for you!

Your Options:
The comedic story about arch-druids where the characters map to the four cardinal directions (north-south-east-west).
The dark story where the megacorporations map to the trinity of past-present-future.
The epic steampunk story where the character relationships map to Greek Gods.
The fantasy story where the kinds of magic map to the four suits of playing cards (hearts-diamonds-clubs-spades).
The light-hearted story where the character relationships map to the nine circles of heaven in the Divine Comedy: Paradiso.
The military story where the military units map to the five occult elements (air-earth-water-fire-spirit).
The philosophical story where the races map to the twelve Olympians of Greecian Legend.
The romantic story where the islands map to yin and yang.
The science fiction story where the kinds of spacecraft map to the animus and anima of Jungian psychology.
The slice-of-life spy story where the character relationships map to creatures of Norse mythology.
The slice-of-life steampunk story where the main character moods map to the three parts of the Fruedian personality (id-ego-superergo).
The story about medical technicians where the characters map to kinds of metals.
The story about traitors where the characters map to Cathloic Saints.
The story about wives where the major plot twists map to the Ten Sephiroth of the Kabbalah.
The story taking place in a town where the sections map to the twelve signs of the zodiac.
The story where major magical artifacts map to the Seven Virtues (chastity-moderation-liberality-charity-meekness-zeal-humility).
The story where the space colonies map to the thirteen guests at the Last Supper.
The swashbuckling retro-futuristic story where the locations map to the thirty-six dramatic situations of literature.
The swashbuckling story where the character evolution maps to the thirty-eight slots of a Roulette wheel.
The underworld adventure where each level of descent maps to The Five Books of the Torah (Genesis-Exodus-Leviticus-Numbers-Deuteronomy).


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