Need a story idea with symbolism? This is the place to come! Plots, stories, and concepts related to all sorts of symbolic possibilites are waiting for you!
The action-packed story where the constellations map to kinds of gemstones.
The crime story where the character relationships map to the nine circles of heaven in the Divine Comedy: Paradiso.
The cyberpunk story where the character evolution maps to the five worlds of the Maya.
The dramatic story where the continents map to the twenty-four hours of the day.
The martial arts story where each martial arts style maps to the eight Neopagan Sabbats (Samhain-Yule-Imbolic-Ostra-Beltane-Midsummer-Lughnasadh-Mabon).
The philosophical epic story where the character evolution maps to kinds of gemstones.
The philosophical story about priests where the characters map to the seven days of the week.
The pirate story where the characters map to the five worlds of the Maya.
The romantic story where the characters map to the eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad-Gita.
The screwball comedy story about magical knights where the characters map to kinds of weather.
The story about emperesses where the characters map to the faces of the Triple Goddess(Mother-Maiden-Crone).
The story about necromancers where the characters map to the seven chakras.
The story about sorcerors where the characters map to the three stages of the scientific method.
The story where major magical artifacts map to the thirteen Norse gods present when Balder was killed.
The story where the countries map to specific stars.
The story where the major 'plot devices' map to the four forces of Taoist internal alchemy (Void-Spirit-Vitality-Essence).
The story where the planets map to kinds of animals.
The story where the planets map to the five vowels in the English alphabet (a-e-i-o-u).
The story where the professions map to the four rules of math (addition-subtraction-multiplication-division).
The swashbuckling story where the characters' births map to Celtic Gods.
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