A counterpart to the Magical Girl, Magical Knights are part of anime traditions, and are at times called 'Magical Boys,' though 'Magical Knight' sounds a lot cooler. This is the generator when you need those heroic, painfully good-looking guys to save the day - or destroy it!
This enthusiastic magic knight has droopy white eyes and very long, curly, fine, sapphire hair worn in a dignified style. He has a femminine build. He has death powers that are activated by rituals. His costume is purple and blue, and it looks like a fusion of a stage magician's outfit and a bodybuilder's form-fitting outfit.
This sensitive magic knight has hooded moss green eyes and neck-length, curly, silky, violet hair worn in a dignified style. He has an overmuscled build. He has light powers that are activated by concentration. His semi-transparent, odd outfit is mostly yellow and it glows with its own radiance.
This soulful magic knight's wide eyes are the color of yellowed ivory and his shoulder-length, straight, silky, black hair is worn in an artistic style. He has an elegant build. He has nuclear powers that are invoked by an axe. His uncomplicated outfit is white and orange in even proportions and it has a strange futuristic flair to it.
This soulful magic knight has slanted red eyes and medium-length, straight, luxurious, brown hair worn in a handsome style. He has an angular build. He has earth powers that come from a set of pistols. His revealing uniform is mostly gray and it looks like its made of slabs instead of cloth.
This serious magic knight's large eyes are the color of milk. His short, wavy, fine hair is the color of turquoises, and is worn in a dignified style. He has a muscular build. He has feline powers that are activated by sheer willpower. His uniform is white and orange in even proportions, strongly resembles a jumpsuit, and it includes a belled collar and a headpiece that suggests a cat's ears.
This tense magic knight's deep-set eyes are the color of fresh green apples. His very long, straight, luxurious hair is the color of charcoal, and is worn in a dignified style. He has a lithe build. He has speed powers that come from a pair of armbands. His costume is brown and green in even proportions, looks like a fusion of a doctor's labcoat and a jumpsuit, and it seems to adapt with his movements.
This personable magic knight has hooded gray eyes. His medium-length, straight, luxurious hair is the color of yellowed ivory, and is worn in a businesslike style. He has a thin build. He has luck powers that come from an armband. His weird costume is mostly gray and it has a strange, slick shimmer to it.
This studious magic knight has hooded brown eyes. His very short, straight, silky hair is the color of fine china, and is worn in a simple style. He has a slender build. He has fire powers that are activated by chants. His ominous, uncomplicated uniform is mostly yellow.
This gentle magic knight has slanted blue eyes and very long, wavy, luxurious, white hair worn in a bizarre style. He has a narrow build. He has holy powers that are invoked by a necklace. His semi-transparent outfit is yellow and green in even proportions and glows with an odd, but soothing light.
This aloof magic knight has hooded brown eyes and short, curly, silky, red hair worn in a businesslike style. He has a broad-shouldered build. He has healing powers that come from a wand. His uniform is white and brown in even proportions, looks like a fusion of a suit of armor and a jumpsuit, and incorporates several medical symbols into its design.
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